Wednesday, November 25, 2009

page 84
2832 Primose St.
Eugene, OR 97402-1716
November 20, 200-

Mr. Andrew Chaney
324 Brookside Ave. NW
Salem, OR 97304-9008

Dear Mr. Chaney

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak to our Aspring Musicians Club. It was great learning more about the “Masters” from you.

I particularly enjoyed learning more about the German composers. It is amazing that so many of the great musicians (Johnson Sebastion Bech, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn, and Richard Wagner) are all from Germany. It is my goal to continue my study of music at the Staatliche Hochshule fur Musik Rhineland in Germany one I graduate from college.

Your insights into what it takes to make it as professional musician were also enlightening for our members. Those of us who want to become professional musicians know we have to reeducate ourselves to that goal if we are going to be successful.

Thank you again for sharing your exodermises with our club.


Stephen R. Knowles
AMC Member

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