Wednesday, November 25, 2009

page 75

America has often been called the “melting pot.” The name is derived from America’s rich tradition of opening its doors to immigrants from all over the world. These immigrants came to the United States looking for something better. Most of them did not posses wealth or power in their home countries. Most were not highly educated. Other than these few commonalities of what they didn’t possess, their backgrounds were vastly different. The thread, however, that bound these immigrants together was their vision of improving their current situation.

Emma lazuras, in a poem entitled “The New Colossus.” Which is inscribed on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, tells the invitation extended to those wanting to make America their home. “…Give me your tired, you poor, your huddled masses yearning to breather free,…..”(Encyclopedia Americana, 1998, Vol.25 637)

Immigration Before 1780

Many have accepted the invitation to make America their home. Most of the immigrants before 1780 were from Europe.

The “melting pot” concept can be better understood by the following quote. “I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was and Englishmen, whose wife was Dutch, whose son marries a French woman, and whose four sons have wives of different nations, (Leutze, 1991, 3)

Recent Imigration

Recent immigration patterns have changed; the reason has not. Individuals and families still come to the United States with a vision of improving their lives. The backgrounds of today’s immigrants expand beyond the European borders. Today they come from all over the world. At a 1984 oath-taking ceremony in Los Angelus, there were nearly a thousand individuals from the Philippines, 890 from Mexico, 704 from Vietnam, 110m from Lebanon, 126 from the United Kingdom, and 62 from Israel. Although not as large a number, there were also individuals from Lithuania, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania. (Luedtke, 1992, 3)
page 73

“Mark Twain”

Samuel Clemens was one of America’s most renowned. The colorful life he led was basis for his writing. Although his formal education ended when he was 12 years old with the death of his father, his varied career interests provided an informal education that was not unlike many others of his generation. Clemens brought these rich experiences to life in his writing.
Sam Clemens was recognized for his fiction as well as for his humor. It has been said that next to the sunshine and fresh air Mark Twain’s humor has done more for the welfare of mankind than any other agency. (Railton Your Mark Twain 1999) By cleverly weaving fiction and humor, he developed many literacy masterpieces. Some say his greatest masterpiece was Mark Twain, a pen name Clemenens first used in the Nevada territory in 1863. This factious name became a kind of methodical hero to the American Republic. Clemens as Mark Twain. Some of his masterpieces that are among his most widely read books are the adventures of Tom Sawyer of Huckleberry Finn.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was first published in 1876. Such characters as Tom Sawyer, Aunt Polly, Becky Thatcher, and Huck Finn have captured the attention of
readers for generations. Boys and girls, young and old, enjoy Tom Sawyer’s mischieviuouess who can forget how Tom shared the privilege of whitewashing Aunt Polly’s fence? What child isn’t fascinated by the episode of Tom and Becky lost in the cave.
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was first published in 1885. Many of the characters included in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer surface again in Huckleberry Finn. Children are able to live vicariously through Huck. What child hasn’t dreamed of sneaking out of the house at night and running away to live a lifestyle of their own making?
page 71

Communication is the thread tat binds our society together. Effective communicators are to use the thread (communication skills) to shape the future. To be an effective communicator, one must know how to put the words together that communicate thoughts, ideas, and feelings. These thoughts, ideas, and feelings are then expressed in writing or delivered orally. Some of the individuals are immortalized are Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale, and Abraham Lincoln.
Patrick Henry
Words move people to action. Patrick Henry’s words (‘I know but what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give death!) helped bring about the revolution Army war in 1775.
Nathan Hale
Words show an individual’s comment. Who can question Nathan Hale’s commitment when he said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”
Abraham Lincoln Words can inspire. The Gettysburg Address (Abraham Lincoln, 1863) inspired the Union to carry on its cause. Today many Americans, still inspired by Lincoln’s words, have memo- rised at least part of his address. Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought on this continent. Dedicates to the proposition that all men are created equal…

Worksheet #3

Week Ending September 10, 1999
Gross This Week
Gross Last Week
Annie Get Your Gum
$ 572,885
$ 671,363
Death of a Salesman
Les Miserables
Miss Saigon
The Lion King
The Phantom of the Opera
$5,176 810

Written By
Great Men
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rudyard Kipling
The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
The Sin of Omission
Margaret E. Sangster
Good and Bad Children
Robert Louis Stevenson
Lady Clare
Alfred Tennyson

Claude Monet
The Boat Studio
Paul Cezanne
The Mill
The Holy Family
Leonardo da Vinci
The Mona Lisa
Vincent von Gogh
The Starry Night
The School of Athens
Berthe Morisot
Little Girl Reading
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Girls at the Piano
Han Vermeer
The Milkmaid

By Laura Ingalls Wilder

Year Published
Little House in the Big Woods
Little House on the Prairie
On the Banks of Plum Creek
By the Shores of Silver Lake
The Long Winter
Little Town on the Prairie
These Happy Golden Years

As of October 3, 1999
Broadway Show
Number of Performances
A Chorus Line
Oh! Calcutta (Revival)
*Les Miserables
*Phantom of the Opera
*Miss Saigon
42nd Street
Fiddler on the Roof
Life With Father
Source: (5 October 1999)
*Shows marked with asterisk (*) were still running at the time of this publication

Week Ending September 12, 1999
Gross This Week
Gross Last Week
Annie Get Your Gum
$ 572,885
$ 671,363
The Lion King
The Phantom of the Opera
Source: (13 September 1999).

Selected Works by American Authors
Robert Lee Frost
West-Running Brook
Henry W. Longfellow
Carl Sandburg
Smoke and Steel
Louisa May Alcott
Little Women
William Faulkner
The Sound and the Fury
Samuel L. Clemens
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
F. Scott Fitzgerald
All the Sad Young Men

FALL 1999

Percent of Votes
Field of Dreams
The Natural
Bull Durham
Pride of the Yankees
Major League
Eight Men Out
League of Their Own
Bad News Bears
Damn Yankees
Fear Strikes Out

Sandra and Rich are running for class secretary.
They have to score high on the SAY to enter that college.
You don’t think keyboarding is important.
Why doesn’t she take the test for advanced placement?
Neither of the candidates meets the leadership criteria.
One of your art students is likely to win the prize.
The number of people against the proposal is quite small.
The manager, as well as his assistant, is to attend.
Neither the teacher nor her students are here.
All the meat is spoiled, but some items are okay.

The speaker was delayed at the airport for over thirty minutes.
The players are all here, and they are getting restless.
You and your assistant are to join us for lunch.
The teacher of the class is to introduce the speaker.
Dr. Cho was to five the lecture, but he is ill.
Mrs. Samoa and her son are to be on a local talk show.
I do not find this report believable; you don’t either.
If she doesn’t accept our offer, we don’t have to raise it.
They don’t discount. So I don’t shop there.
Jo and he don’t ski; they don’t plan to go.
Each of these girls has an important role in the class play.
Some of the new paint is already cracking and peeling.
All of the workers are to be paid for the special holiday.
Neither of them is well enough to start the game.
Some of the juice is sweet; some are quite tart.
Every girl and boy is sure to benefit from this decision.
The letter, in addition to the report, has to be revised.
The shirts, as well as the dress, have to be pressed again.
The driver, as well as the burglar, was apprehended.
Two managers, in addition to the president, are to attend.
A number of then have already voted, but the number is still small.
The number of jobs is low; a number of us have applied.
Neither Ms. Moss nor Mr. Katz was invited to speak.
Either the manager or his assistants are to participate.
If neither he nor they foes, either you or she has to.
page 87
Park Ave. New York, NY 10125-2231
October 28, 200-

Mrs. Kennington’s fifth grade class will be attending a production of the Broadway musical The Lion King on March 25 to conclude their study of the theater. As you are probably aware, the play is based on the 1994 Disney Film about a young lion’s coming- of-age struggles.

Attending the play will give the fifth graders a real sense of New York Theatre. The production will be at the New Amsterdam Theatre, built in 1903 and for years considers the most majestic on 42d Street. With its recent renovation. It has been restored almost to its original grandeur. The theatre is best known as the home of the Ziegfield Follies (1913 through 1927) and George M. Cohan’s Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway.

This will be a great experience for the fifth graders. Mrs. Kenningston would like four parents to help chaperone on the day of the production. Are you interested and willing to assist? I will call you next week to determine your availability and discuss details.


Marsha Rhodes
Parent Volunteer

page 84
2832 Primose St.
Eugene, OR 97402-1716
November 20, 200-

Mr. Andrew Chaney
324 Brookside Ave. NW
Salem, OR 97304-9008

Dear Mr. Chaney

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak to our Aspring Musicians Club. It was great learning more about the “Masters” from you.

I particularly enjoyed learning more about the German composers. It is amazing that so many of the great musicians (Johnson Sebastion Bech, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn, and Richard Wagner) are all from Germany. It is my goal to continue my study of music at the Staatliche Hochshule fur Musik Rhineland in Germany one I graduate from college.

Your insights into what it takes to make it as professional musician were also enlightening for our members. Those of us who want to become professional musicians know we have to reeducate ourselves to that goal if we are going to be successful.

Thank you again for sharing your exodermises with our club.


Stephen R. Knowles
AMC Member
page 83
230 Glendale Ct.
Brooklyn, NY 11234-3721
February 15, 200-

Ms. Julie Hutchinson
1825 Melbourne Ave.
Flushing, NY 11367-2351

Dear Julie

It seems like years since we were in Ms. Gehrig’s keyboarding class. Now I wish I would have paid more attention. As I indicated on the phone, I am applying for a position as box office coordinator for one of the theaters on Broadway. Of course, I know the importance of having my letter of application and resume formatted correctly, but I’m not sure that I remember how to do it.

Since you just completed your business educated degree, I knew where to get help I needed. Thanks for agreeing to look over my application documents; they are enclosed. Also, if you have any suggestions for changes to the content, please share those with me too. This job is so important to me; it’s the one I really want.

Thanks again for agreeing to help. If I get the job, I’ll take you out to one of New York’s finest restaurants.


Rebecca Dunworthy


Page 77

By Emma Lazarus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fake,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A might woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lighting, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!”
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tots to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Worksheet 1

Pg. 27 1

Pam is president of her class.
Kevin walks to and from school.
Reading mystery novels is my favorite pastime.
The captain of the team is out with a badly sprained ankle
She bought a new bicycle.
Marv and I received new bicycles.
Alice washed and waxed her car.
He and I cleared and cooked the fish.
Jorge read AURA by Fuentes. Rosa read it, also.
Hamad cooks his own meals. So does Janelle.
Sara talked with mona at the concert. Lee talked with her, also.
Mel chooses and buys his own training shoes. Suzy also chooses and buys hers.
Jay Sparks likes to hike, and Roy Tubbs like to swim.
The computer is operative, but the printer does not work.
You may eat in the hotel, or you may choose a café nearby.
The sky is clear, the moon is out, and the sea is very calm.
Ben and I saw the game and Bob and Maria went to a movie.
Nick dived and swam, but others fished off the boat.
You may play solitaire, or you and Joe may play checkers.
Bobby huffed and puffed, but erin scampered up the hill.
Karen listened to Ravels BOLERO. Matt read FORREST GUMP
You may watch STAR TREK. You and Edie may play dominoes.
Ken may play football or basketball. He may not play both.
Linda skated to CABRET music. Jon chose WEST SIDE SOTRY.
The book the you gave Juan for his birthday is lost.
If I were you. I would speak to Paula before I left.
Miss Gomez, who chairs the department, is currently on leave.
Students who use their time wisely usually succeed.
All who were invited to the party also attened the game.
If you join, you should sign up and pay your dues.
After she and I left, Cliff and Pam sang and dancd.
Although they don’t know It yet, Fran and Brett were elected
My PSAT and SAT scores are high. I may not get into Yale.
They attended the symphony. They then had a light supper.
Mindy is to audition for the part. She should apply now.
You are buying a computer. You should also get software.

A small mass of land surrounded by water is an island.
A large mass of land surrounded by water is an island.
The earth rotates on what is called its axis.
When the sun comes up over the horizon, we say it’s rising.
When the sun goes down over the horizon, we say it’s setting.
6. A device used to display temp. in a thermometer.
7. A device used to display atomospheric pressure is an.
Pg. 38 act. 1 & 3
Has dr. holt moved his offices to Hopewell medical center?
Pam has mad plans to spend thanksgiving day in fort wayne
j.c. huack will receive a d.d.s. degree from usc in june.
Is tech services, inc., located at fifth and elm street?
I heard senator dole make his acceptant speech on Thursday
Did alma s.. banks app;yu for a job with bulter county?
She knew that Albany, not NYC, is the capital
Eldon and cindy marx now live in sante fe, New Mexico.
Are you going to the Marx Theater in mount adams tonight?
On Friday, the fourth of july, we move to keystone plaza.

Ask Ms. King if she and Mr. Valdez will sponsor our club.
did you see mrs. Watts and Gloria at the school play?
He said that school starts on the first Monday in September.
My birthday is on the third Thursday of march this year.
When you were recently in Nevada, did you visit take tahoe?
When in france, we saw paris atop the effil tower.
The voices of Harmony will perform at music hall next week.
Lennox corp. owns the hyde park athletic club in boston.
The Fourth of July celebrates the signing of the declaration of Independence.
Henri asked if memorial day is an American holiday.

My name, Kyle Stahl, is European in origin.
My mothers ancestors originated in sweeden; my fathers originated in Germany,
I know the following facts about my mothers country.

Is near spain
Fought inWWII
Berlin is located here.
If I could visit a country of my choice, I would visit Australia because its warm, fun, and sounds like a place to have a good time.

Pg. 49 Activity 1

20 members have already voted, but 15 have yet to do so.
Only 12 of the hikers are here; six have not returned.
Do you know if the eight fifteen Klondike flight is on time?
We should be at brookes 1 road no later than eleben thirty am.
This orenital carpet measure eight feet high by 10ft.
The carton is two foot square and weighs 6lbs. 8 ounces.
Have you read to pages 45 -65 of chapter two that were assiganed?
She usally rides the bus from 6th street to 1st Ave.
Nearly ½ of the team is here that is about 15.
A late fee of 15% is charged later then the 30th day.

Tweleev of the new shrubs have died
14 members have paid their dues

She ordered 8 word processoers, 14 conmputor
Did he say they need ten or 14 sets of 14Z

He will arrive on Paygo flight 418 and 9:14 a.m.
Canadities must be in the Ivy hall at eight forty a.m. on May one

My home is at 8 Vernon drive
The melsons moved from 4059 Oyle Ave.

Glenda Redford is 5ft. 4 in. tell tall and weighs188lbs. 8. oz
This carton mesures 5ft. by 9in. and weighs 5 oz.

Review rules 1 to 18 chapter 5, pages 149 and 150, today.
Case 1849 is reviewed in volume five, pages nine and ten.

I walked several blocks along Third Aveune to 54th street.
At 7th Street she took a taxi to his home on 43rd Aveune.

Joe owns an acre of of Parcel A; that is almost 50%.
Nearly seventy members voted; that is nearly one fourth.
Over 20 percent of the students are out with the flu.
Just under ½ of the voter cast ballots for the issue.

TO: Foreign Language Department Students

FROM: Mary Seville, travel Aboard Coordinater

DATE: 11/25/2009


Are you ready for a summer you will never forget? Then you will want to sign up for this year’s Travel Abroad program. You will travel to the country that famous writers like Virgil, Hoarce, and Dante called home. The musical of Vivaldi, Verdi, and Puccini will come to life. You will visit art museums exhibiting the art of native sons such as Michelangelo Buonarotti and Giovanni Bellini.

By now you have probably guessed that we will be taking a trip to Italy this summer. Touring Rome, Florence, Venice and Naples gives you the opportunity to experience firsthand the people, the culture, the history, and the cusine of Italy.

If you are interested in learning more about traveling to Italy this summer. Attened our open house on November 15 at 3:30 in room 134.


TO: Foreign Language Department Students

FROM: Mary Seville, travel Aboard Coordinater

DATE: 11/25/2009


I’ve enclosed copies of a memo announcing the open house for the Travel Abroad Program. Please distribute the memo to students in your classes.

Last year we had 25 students participate in the trip to England. If you have had the opportunity to talk with them about this expierence, you know that the trip was very worthwhile and gave them memories that will last a lifetime. I am confident that the trip that the trip to Italy will be just as rewarding to those who participate. As you know, the expierences students gain from traveling abroad cannot be replaced in the classroom.

I appreciate your support of the program and you help in promoting it with your students.



TO: Drama Students

FROM: Ms. Fairbanks

DATE: 11/25/2009


There are three plays that I would like you to consider for next semester’s performance. They include:

The Importance of Being Earnest, a comedy written by Oscar Wilde. In the Jack Warthing has complicated courtships with Lady Bracknell’s daughter, Gwendalen. His ward, Cecily, has fallen in love with his friend Algernon.

A delicate Balance, a comedy written by Edward Allee. The play is a funny look at love, compassion, and the bands of friendship and family.

A Comedy of Errors, a comedy written by William Shakespeare. The play is about mistaken identites of twins.

I have placed the copies of the plays in the library on reserve. Please look them over by November 25 so that we can dicuss them in class that day. We will need to make a decision before December 1 so that I can order the playbooks.

Nathan Hale
“I only regret that I have but one life to loose for my country.”

Golda Meir
“A leader who doesn’t hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fir to be a leader.”

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
“If you bungle raising your kids, I don’t think whatever else you do well matters very much.”

Oscar Wilde
“Life is too serious to be taken seriously.”